I contacted Kathleen at the Pleasanton Wellness Clinic in August 2018. I live over 300 miles away and was very weak and in poor health, yet was not getting much help where I live. On a referral from a friend, I contacted Kathleen.
She immediately went to work to gather the information needed to get started. She sent a kit for blood testing to me and set it up for a specialty lab in my town to process the extensive blood work. Even before that came back she discussed my case with Dr. Grabowski , and they decided on the natural supplements (of the highest grade) to begin with.
She called almost every day to see how I was doing! What health care professional has ever done that! When the testing came back, she consulted with Dr. Grabowski, and they decided on additional supplements to fill in where my tests showed very low. Again, she called frequently to check in on how I was doing. In addition, she is always available when I call her (even on weekends!).
Now almost two months into my wellness plan, I am doing so very much better I can hardly recognize myself. I haven’t felt this well in YEARS! We are still working on healing this 70 year old body, and I am feeling younger every month!
God Bless Kathleen, all the wonderful people in her clinic and Dr. Grabowski for the tireless hours they have spent just on my case! I am now able to look forward to achieving a more normal life, having energy, and being able to enjoy activities and feeling GOOD!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!
Love and Blessings, Lynda
Hi Kathleen,
Its been almost to years since I came to you. I had spent almost $10,000 in treatments on my left elbow for tendonitis. I had been to a chiropractor, acupuncturist, and a orthopedic doctor. None of these worked. Then I came to you! You did a blood work up on me. The results came back and I was in pretty bad shape. You were able to come up with a health program to solve my issues. My system was not absorbing nutrients which was causing my inflammation. I have stuck to the plan. Which was a major change in diet and vitamins. In 11 weeks I lowered my cholesterol by a 100 points and all my inflammation went away. To this day I have dropped 35 pounds and have never felt better.
Thank You,